Local Governors
Local Governors work on behalf of the Trust Board and use their professional skills and experience to support our school. They provide critical friendship to school leaders – supporting and challenging them, and providing assurance to the Trust Board particularly in areas such as:
- Standards, curriculum and school ethos
- Health, safety and premises, including safeguarding
- Parental and wider community engagement
- Assurance and oversight of compliance and risk, including finance.
Register of Business Interests and Meeting Attendance
Local Governing Body declarations of interests - Bottesford CE Primary School
Local Governing Body historical members - Bottesford CE Primary School
Local Governing Body meetings - Bottesford CE Primary School
Local Governing Body members - Bottesford CE Primary School
Mr Mark North
Mr Chris Andrews
Staff Governor
I have been involved in different education settings for the past 19 years – 10 of which have been as a teacher at Bottesford CE Primary School. I am very passionate about my role as a teacher and feel that I can engage children in different ways that allow them to succeed in the classroom and grow as individuals outside of their academic achievements. I have been the schools PE coordinator for several years and am a firm believer that physical education and sport can hugely benefit children in other areas of their schooling. I am committed to providing our pupils with opportunities that allow them to reach their potential and give them a strong foundation for when they leave our school. I hope to further contribute to this provision in my role as governor. To contact Chris, please email him at: candrews@bot.learnat.uk
Mr Simon Bladon
Janie & I have two daughters, one of which still attends the school. Living in the village for the past 12 years. I am incredibly appreciative of the community & rural space of which the primary school is at the heart of our children’s development and preparation for life. I have over 20 years’ experience as an operational strategic leader, holding a number of directorate roles within the Recruitment & Skills arena. My current role as Skills Director and Ofsted nominee for a large logistics & warehousing recruitment solutions specialist, specialising in the recruitment, upskilling and development of the unemployed, disadvantaged and low paid through vocational skills and mentoring programmes. I find this work hugely rewarding, working with community, charitable outreach centres, Job Centres, employers & other stakeholders to create learner centric employer focussed training. I am committed to supporting the ongoing success of the school and look forward to adding challenge and diversity within the board of governors, with the aim to ensure that the health, wellbeing & education of all the children is at the centre of the schools mission. To contact Simon, please email: sbladon@gov.learnat.uk
Mr James Henderson
I moved to Bottesford from West Bridgford in 2020 and currently have two children at the school. I work full-time for the University of Nottingham as a Learning Technologist, which primarily involves developing online learning resources for students studying healthcare professions. Having been in this role over 10 years, I am dedicated to helping learners achieve the best possible experience within a variety of environments. Most recently, I have developed educational resources using VR, gaming and chatbot technologies. Despite being technically minded, my focus is firmly on creating effective pedagogy and, subsequently, advising on the appropriate use of technology to facilitate learning. Given the opportunity as a Parent Governor, I will contribute by offering perspectives and sharing experiences of personally having children that attend the school. Furthermore, I would like to be able to offer my professional knowledge and expertise to help support and evolve the already excellent teaching and learning within the school and its community. To contact James, please email: jhenderson@gov.learnat.uk
Jenna Hitchen
I have been working in the education sector for the last 15 years, 10 of which have been as a teacher. I have been fortunate enough to work both in early years and secondary education with over 15 years experience working with children with additional needs. However, the last 6 years have seen me predominantly working as a EYFS lead. This teaching experience has afforded me a depth and breath of experience at working with children of all ages and a high level of understanding regarding the transitions children will face as they progress through the education system. As a teacher,I am a strong believer in promoting the importance of learning through play and meaningful opportunities. I have four children, 3 of whom are currently at Bottesford C of E Primary School. I have become a Governor because I would like to support the school in becoming the best it can possibly be. I am passionate about maintaining the high standards of the school whilst bridging the gap between parents, the school and the community. I am friendly, approachable with high energy and enthusiasm. I look forward to bringing this experience to my role as Governor, as well as my perspective as a teacher, to support and challenge the school in the future. To contact Jenna, please email: jhitchen@gov.learnat.uk
Lois Morris
I'm the Assistant Head Teacher of a small specialist school in Leicestershire, responsible for areas related to business and operational management. Prior to this I was a senior leader and staff governor in a mainstream school. I know that schools provide much more than education; they are a places where children thrive and every member of the community at every level, makes an impact. I feel privileged to support and be part of this team. To contact Lois, please email her at: lmorris@gov.learnat.uk
Lisa Smith
I am a Lay Minister at St Mary's Church and I have lived in the village for 11 years. I work as a social worker for Nottinghamshire County Council. I have two children who both attended Bottesford CE Primary School - one is at University and one is in Yr10. As a Christian parent I was always impressed by the compassionate pastoral care and concern for the children, and the focus the school has on developing the whole child, in line with its core Christian values. I have a longstanding interest in the nurture of children and young people through education, having been involved with children's ministry in the Church for 20 years. Now that my own children are teenagers, I have more time to commit to the role of Foundation Governor. I see the role as both an opportunity to 'give back' to a school from which we have received much as a family, but also to contribute to what is already an excellent school in the heart of our community. To contact Lisa, please email: lsmith@gov.learnat.uk